Tracking all HTTP requests sent by a URL. The related domains and the time spent to load the URL completely are displayed.
- Total time from start to load: loadEventEnd - fetchStart
- Time spent constructing the DOM tree: domComplete - domInteractive
- Time consumed preparing the new page: fetchStart - navigationStart
- Time spent during redirection: redirectEnd - redirectStart
- AppCache time: unloadEventEnd - unloadEventStart
- Time spent unloading documents: domainLookupStart - fetchStart
- DNS query time: domainLookupEnd - domainLookupStart
- TCP connection time: connectEnd - connectStart
- Time spent during the request: responseEnd - requestStart
- Request to completion of the DOM loading: domInteractive - responseEnd
- Load event time: loadEventEnd - loadEventStart
- Render Time: domComplete - domLoading