
URL Encode/Decode

Encode characters and symbols to special codes, decode URL-encoded strings

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What this tool can

When you enter a character string in the input area on the left and click the encode button, characters and symbols that cannot be used as URLs are encoded into special codes that can be used as URLs.
Enter a URL-encoded string in the input area on the right and click the decode button, the string will be decoded into the one before encoding.

What are the characters and symbols that cannot be used as URLs?

  • Control characters: Invisible characters such as NULL and backspace
  • Reserved characters: Characters used for specific purposes such as '! # $ '/,:; @'
  • Multibyte characters: Hiragana and Katakana characters

Useful for

  • Encode URL if the data (URL or text) you want to send via GET method contains spaces or special characters
  • If the URL copied from the browser is encoded, this makes it a readable string by decoding.

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