
Whois Lookup

Search domains and Whois information

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Whois Lookup | RAKKOTOOLS By adding it to the bookmark bar with drag-and-drop, you can find out Whois with a click, while browsing other websites.

What this tool can

Whois Lookup conducts Whois search by domain name or IP address.
By entering a domain name, the following information is displayed: registration date, expiration date, renewal date, domain age, name server, domain status.
Untransferable state including 'TransferProhibited' or 'Hold' is displayed in red letters.
Entering multiple domain names, you can conduct multiple Whois search at once. The major information will be shown as a list (CSV file available).
*approx. time for a multiple lookup: major 100 domain searches in 20 sec.
By sharing the URL of the result, you can share the domain and its information to others.
A bookmarklet lets you find out Whois with a click, while browsing other websites.

Corresponding TLD list

What is Whois?

Whois refers to the information about the registrant of a domain/ an IP address on the Internet, i.e. a website/ a blog. The information includes the registrant’s personal/ corporate name and contact information. For a privacy protection of personal websites/ blogs, there is a 'Whois privacy service', in which companies disclose their information instead of individuals.

What is a domain name?

A domain name is a name to identify the affiliation of the computer or its network connected to the Internet. According to JPRS, it is expressed as “an address on the Internet”.
Computers on a network normally communicate with IP addresses (e.g.:, but since it is hard for humans to handle them only with numbers, character strings associated with IP addresses (e.g.: goki.jp, pitali.jp, etc.) are used.
A string matching with a company/ service name is usually used for a domain name.

What is a bookmarklet?

A bookmarklet is a simple program that you can activate from your bookmark.
By adding 'Bookmarklet' to the bookmark bar with drag-and-drop, you can find out Whois with a click, while browsing other websites.

Useful for

  • Checking the existence of the same/ similar domain and its registrant’s information when acquiring a domain name.
  • Making sure that you provide necessary information to a third party for troubleshooting problems related to domain names, trademarks, etc.
  • Finding out the domain age (elapsed time since the domain acquisition) for SEO analysis.
  • Checking the domain status for domain transfer.
  • Checking a specific website to make an inquiry, when neither inquiry form nor information about site administrator is provided.
  • Making sure that your personal information is protected by Whois privacy setting.

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