
IP address search

Display region information from IP address, host, and domain

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What this tool can

  • Checking the address (country, region, zip code, latitude/longitude) from IP address/hostname/domain.
  • It shows the approximate location on Google map from the longitude/latitude.
  • whois information tab shows the whois information of the IP address. (Even if you search with host name/domain name, it will be converted to IP address.)

This tool uses a library called GeoLite2.
This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from https://www.maxmind.com

Useful for

  • When a nuisance or spam is found, identifying the country and region from the IP address and restricting the access.
  • If there is an unknown IP address in the login history of the web service, checking the region and making sure if there are not unauthorized logins.
  • Confirming the location of the server's data center and considering troubles, risks, and safety when disasters occur.

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