
World Clock

Show the date and time of each city in the world

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Japan - Tokyo
Korea - Seoul
China - Shanghai
Taiwan - Taipei
Hong Kong
Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh
Thailand - Bangkok
Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur
India - Kolkata
United Arab Emirates - Dubai
Saudi Arabia - Riyadh
Canada - Toronto
Canada - Vancouver
Eastern Standard Time - EST
Mountain Standard Time - MST
America - Arizona
America - Alaska
America - Hawaii
Mexico City
Brazil - Sao_Paulo
Argentina - Buenos_Aires
America - New York
Peru - Lima
England - London
Ireland - Dublin
French - Paris
Belgium - Brussels
Netherlands - Amsterdam
Germany - Berlin
Switzerland - Zurich
Hungary - Budapest
Austria - Vienna
Czech Republic - Prague
Poland - Warsaw
Spain - Madrid
Ecuador - Galapagos
Micronesia - Chuuk
Micronesia - Pohnpei
Micronesia - Kosrae
Chile - Easter
Kiribati - Tarawa
Kiribati - Enderbury
Kiribati - Kiritimati
Marshall Islands - Majuro
Marshall Islands - Kwajalein
New Zealand - Auckland
New Zealand - Chatham
Australia - Sydney
Australia - Lord Howe
Australia - Hobart
Australia - Currie
Australia - Melbourne
Australia - Broken Hill
Australia - Brisbane
Australia - Lindeman
Australia - Adelaide
Australia - Darwin
Australia - Perth
Australia - Eucla
Morocco - Casablanca
Egypt - Cairo
South Africa - Johannesburg
Spain - Ceuta
Cote d'Ivoire - Abidjan
Algeria - Algiers
Western Sahara - El Aaiun
Ghana - Accra
Guinea-Bissau - Bissau
Kenya - Nairobi
Liberia - Monrovia
Libya - Tripoli
Cocos (Keeling) Islands - Cocos
Christmas Island
Seychelles - Mahe
Spain - Canary
Portugal - Madeira
Portugal - Azores
Cape Verde
Falkland Islands - Stanley
Faroe Islands - Faroe
South Georgia
Iceland - Reykjavik

What this tool can

You can check the current date and time of the cities in each time zone.
The city list is organized by continent.
You can also search by country or city name.

Useful for

  • When making international calls, checking the local time where your partner is
  • checking your flight arrival time in the local time zone
  • Checking the local time when you attend an international event, or an online meeting with an international partner

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